
Wednesday, 17 March 2010

Oh My Clog!

Oh My Clog!

As you know, since falling for the Chanel clogs I have been on the search for the perfect pair sans the Chanel price tag - PR just don't pay that well!! Having discovered a few pairs, none of them have quite fit the bill (or should that be foot!). Anyway, I believe the search may be over…

Whilst embarking on a rather swift strut (burning calories so I can wear the BCBG bandage style dresses from SS10 NYFW,) I happened across an independent shoe shop on Park Street - and there they were in the window!!!! Unfortunately, said shop was shut. However, I will be hot footing it down there to try them on very very soon. I'll keep you posted.

Also on the shopping list is a new 'it brag'. You know - the type of bag that makes others weep with joy!! Slightly cheesy I know, but any bag-a-holic knows exactly what I'm talking about!

I'm drawing up a strict shopping list of must-have's which the chosen bag must fulfil - Stay tuned.


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