Obviously Christmas happened, which was lovely but not as restful as I would have liked; Mr M and I moved from our lovely flat (landlord decided to sell). NYE came and went pretty fast too and before I knew it I was back at work.... not for long though! Snowmageddon completely took over the UK and I was snowed in without mobile reception or internet ArrrrgggggggHHH!
Anyhoo, wasn't all bad. Decided to make lots of soup and scones. MmmmmMmmm.
Alas, now firmly back into the flow of work I simply haven't found the time. However, I decided today to throw together (can you tell) a quick collage of what is inspiring me at the mo.
No surprise to see lots of knitwear, lots of denim, lots of Balmain and a spattering of Chanel!!! If I had all the money in the world that is precisely what my wardrobe would look like..
No new purchases to report either, as I am currently trying to purchase a rather lovely car... more news to follow as I don't want to jinx it! However, I can tell you that over the last two weeks I have:
Mostly lived in my hunter wellies
Carried A LOT of tissues (am into the fifth week of my cold....)
Eaten mostly home made soup & Jakemans cough sweets (cherry menthol - Mmmm)
Rocked my mum's vintage furry headwear
Blow dried my hair massive to complete the snow bunny look
Experimented with wearing different rings with my engagement ring - it's been 2mths!
Changed my nail varnish every other day - why not eh?!
Watched 90210 and Glee
Felt guilty for eating homemade scones and not being as skinny as 90210 girls!
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