
Thursday 14 June 2012

A polished day look

In my last blog I included a pic from the April issue of Glamour. Initially it was the bed hair and hair colour which attracted me, but the make up is also super sexy in a very relaxed way so I thought I'd give it a whirl myself.

This is more make up than I would typically wear during the average day (especially if I'm working from home), but since I was heading to a new biz meeting I figured that the effort wouldn't go to waste.

Although the eye make up doesn't look overly heavy, I tend not to define eyebrows, wear eye make up, full base, blush, bronzer, lip liner and lipstick all at once during the day. It just feels a bit too 'done'. However, it does appear to come out good in the photos..... It turns out that I would also have to get up another 30mins earlier too! No time to show off my meeting ensemble - was too busy sprinting out the door.

Hair history

So, I've been thinking about changing my hair for sometime and a few months ago I dipped my toe (the little one!) in going a bit darker. This also made me think about what I've actually done to my hair over the years and following a bit if research it turns out I've not been very adventurous....... I present exhibit A. My hair from 2005 to now.......

Over the years I've clearly gone through different shades of blonde and experimented with a side fringe from time to time (I'm a real risk taker!). However, ironically, I'm now trying to get back to the same colour hair that I had back in 2005.

What does your hair history say about you?

Today's inspo

This week I will mostly be using these pics to keep me motivated to get my ass to the gym. How gorgeous is she?!?! Kate Upton looks incredible in these photos for Dylan George. Also loving the outfit - a chunky knit, skinny jeans and colour pop heels topped off with killer tan and beachy hair. Totally up my street.

Dylan George

Dylan George

Dylan George

Friday 8 June 2012

Cotton and Gold

Despite not feeling terribly summery today, these two bracelets are two of my favourite summer accessories this year. Bought from a little shop in Clifton Village, Bristol, they're really simple and if I could be bothered I'm pretty sure I could have made them myself. I might give it a go with some different colour cotton and some actual gold bracelets as these ones are getting a bit tarnished already. Cute though, no?

Good advice

Let's catch up

Four months in pics.

Left to right from top:
  1. February: Amazing 80's hair and dress (original 80's from my mum’s wardrobe) for my fabby sister in-law's 30th birthday 80's cocktail party in London town
  2.  February: My birthday cake and tea after a rather relaxing break to Bath Spa with Mr M. Dreamy getaway
  3. March: The new baby. In March we decided to donate all our wages to Apple and walked away with an iPad, new iPhone and Apple TV
  4.  March: Meribel snowboarding for a week. This pic was taken at La Folie Douce in Val Thoren. AMAZING day in the VIP section with endless champagne and fantastic apri music
  5. March: the new slightly darker doo
  6. April: Leaving lunch. Champagne in tepees of course (!) and a farewell to my lovely colleagues following an exciting social media contract with a luxury car brand. Also had to give keys back for said luxury car. Sad times
  7.  April: First wedding anniversary. The memories
  8. April: Minibreak to The Pig and The Limewood in celebration of first anniversary
  9. May: A visit to the Olympic stadium opening ceremony
  10. May: A very cold me at the end of the Olympic stadium opening ceremony
  11. May: Trip to the boat with M&C in celebration of their engagement (not my boat I hasten to add)
  12. June: The start of my epic exercise regime

Sheltering from the rain

My wedding bouquet.
Photo: McKinley-Rodgers Photography. Flowers: Edward Allen Flowers

I'm sitting safe and sound indoors today, sheltering from the stormy weather which is brewing outside. Ick! I'm pleased I don't have any major plans this weekend - thinking they would be a washout. I plan to chill out at home, cook up some delicious food and catch up on movies. I may also do a bit of blogging since it's been a bit of a while........

There's loads to catch up on and I'm spending today trawling through my snaps and compiling a few updates. In the meantime, here are some beautiful flowers to brighten up a gloomy day. This is actually pic of my wedding bouquet, but isn't it one of the nicest things to receive a bunch of flowers just for the hell of it (eh um. hint hint Mr. M!)? Perhaps I'll brave the weather and go and buy myself some today.