The dream boots! Samson by KG at Kurt Geiger. Too short for my legs - the search continues...
Why do weekends go so fast? No matter how much I get done, Mondays just come round too fast.
This weekend was however, a truly glorious affair and just what the doctor ordered. Friday saw me wave goodbye (for now) to a good friend of mine from work, off to the big smoke where the streets are paved with gold.
Saturday was true self indulgence. An all day laze fest in my pyjamas, whilst it rained outside. Endless amounts of The Hills topped off with X-Factor and some delicious Chinese from my favorite place. All in the good company of the lovely Mr M who is tolerant of my guilty pleasures (mostly when he is on work avoidance!).
By Sunday it was time to dust myself off and head out after a healthy (no carbs) and delicious brunch, totally cancelling out the carb fest last night. With my wages safely burning a whole in my pocket, I topped up on my moisturiser (Elemental Herbology - Cell Plumping - truly the best moisteriser I have found), bought a great black balmain-ish top - perfect for the office and an absolute steal, as well as some faded grey skinnies and other bits and pieces which after contemplation, will be returned from whence they came.
As usual, I have been unable to resist temptation and am wearing said purchases to work - teamed with my boyfriend blazer (ASOS), thigh high black suede boots (Chinese Laundry), studded belt (KM) and mega scarf (??) to ward of the October chill which has set in. Also have my faithful yet vertiginous KG heels should I pluck up the courage to take off my super soft and warm boots.....
The most eventful purchase would appear to be my new tweezerman tweezers and matching mirror. Such items did = a very pluck happy Claire on Sunday, rendering my eyebrows to a mere shadow of their former selves.....Maybe I should leave it up to the professionals next time!
I also indulged in some KG try on's.... and managed to save myself £180 in the process. The boots that have been the object of much affection were just too low slung for my liking, and I must now continue the search for another pair which will be slightly higher up the leg. DAMN IT! Not to fret though - a little birdy has informed me of a limited delivery due to a certain highstreet store mid month, and at a fraction of the cost I may be on to a winner. Fingers crossed.
As you will notice - all purchases are channeling my absolute obsession with Balmain.